
Opening Keynote

10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CEST

Presented by
Matthew Lewsadder
CEO, Brighttail

1:1 Connections Are Quietly Driving SaaS Success

Explore how focusing on 1:1 connections, rather than building large communities, can drive growth. Discover how to create personalized engagement, with actionable tools and strategies for success.

11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CEST

Presented by
Peter Preston
Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Accoil Analytics

Event Demand Generation: How to Crush Team 25 & Other Events

Learn how to master demand generation for events. Discover strategies to excel at Team 25 and other events, driving engagement and maximizing your impact for ultimate event success.

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM CEST

Presented by
Chris Cooke
Head of Incubator Growth, Seibert Media

Growth Marketing in the Atlassian Marketplace: Wins, Lessons, and Future Moves

Explore the unique challenges of Atlassian growth marketing. Get expert insights on channel strategies, overcoming obstacles, and growth hacks to elevate your marketing game. 

1:30 PM – 2:15 PM CEST

Presented by
Chirag Harendra
Head of Marketing, Adaptavist
Tim Sadler
Product Marketing Lead, Kolekti
Leshea Low
Senior Manager, Marketplace Growth, Brighttail

From Data to Action: Making the Most of Atlassian Marketplace Attribution & Tracking Data

Unlock the potential of your Atlassian Marketplace data. Explore essential attribution and tracking tools, best practices, and strategies we use at Brighttail to turn data into impactful results.

2:30 PM – 3:15 PM CEST

Presented by
Leshea Low
Senior Manager, Marketplace Growth, Brighttail
Sylvia Simon
Performance Marketing & Analytics Manager, Brighttail

Beyond the Funnel: Finding Growth Among Out-of-Market Audiences

Your potential audience extends beyond those actively searching. How can you tap into that latent demand? In this session, we’ll share a case study on how we drove 113% sales growth for an underperforming app.

4:15 PM – 5:00 PM CEST

Presented by
David Toussaint
Head of Products, Communardo
Matthew Lewsadder
CEO, Brighttail

How Solution Partners Work

Discover how the business funnel at an Atlassian Solution Partner influences your app’s uptake and placement. Learn strategies for successfully engaging and collaborating with Atlassian partners.

5:15 PM – 6:00 PM CEST

Presented by
Steve Cross
Atlassian Consultant

Community in Diversity

Uncover how the Atlassian Community boosts innovation and trust. Learn how to harness this goodwill for your brand and discover best practices for effective community engagement, online and in person.

10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CEST

Presented by
Sajit Nair
Director of Products & Agile Practices, Trundl

Weaving Success: Storytelling Techniques for Atlassian Marketplace Growth

Learn how a strong narrative can set you apart in the Atlassian Marketplace. This session covers the art of storytelling to captivate your audience and boost your growth marketing success.

11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CEST

Presented by
Tim Sadler
Product Marketing Lead, Kolekti

Debate: Is Brand the Most Important or Least Important Aspect of App Marketing?

Is branding the key to standing out in the Atlassian Marketplace, or is it overhyped? Join this panel as industry experts debate the impact of branding versus features, pricing, and growth strategies on your success.

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM CEST

Presented by
Joe Ford
Director of Content, Brand, and Communications, Tempo
Chris Cooke
Head of Incubator Growth, Seibert Media
Matthew Lewsadder
CEO, Brighttail

How to Reach Regulated Industries on Atlassian

Regulated industry business users are mostly new to Jira. Learn key lessons, strategies to build trust, and methods to ensure your customers achieve maximum value from the platform.

1:30 PM – 2:15 PM CEST

Presented by
Monika Isak
Head of Growth, SoftComply

Standing out from the Crowd in the Atlassian Ecosystem: Effective Strategies to Leverage Branding for Sustained Growth

Unlock the secrets to standing out in the Atlassian ecosystem. Explore powerful branding strategies that fuel sustained growth and elevate your app above the competition for long-term success.

2:30 PM – 3:15 PM CEST

Presented by
Julie d’Antin
Chief Strategy Officer, Elements

Solutions vs. Features: Speaking the language of Solution Partners

Discover how Appfire’s partner-first GTM strategy, focused on aligning with customer buying preferences, has strengthened partnerships and improved enablement over the years.

4:15 PM – 5:00 PM CEST

Presented by
Colin Puckett
SVP - Global Channel & Field Operations, Appfire

Bounce ideas across time
zones and space.

Twice each day, you’ll have the opportunity to mingle, network, 
and share your marketing escapades with fellow attendees—be they old friends or new.

Session 1

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM CEST

Session 2

3:30 PM – 4:15 PM CEST

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